Working Together to Shape the Future of Big Data

As part of our efforts of partnership with the industry, the APU School of Computing & Technology recently hosted and organized the FusionEx Data Challenge 2019 in collaboration with Fusionex International – a competition that aimed to uncover the potentials of big data talents in Malaysia.
A total of 75 students from 6 local and private universities, including APU, participated in the hackathon, that was spanned over 2 days and 1 night at our campus. Prior to the hackathon, all participants were exposed to the usage of the analytics tool developed by Fusionex – the “GIANT” through a one-day training and briefing session. This is an industry-relevant exposure for the students, as the “GIANT” software, which is widely used by the industry, encompasses smart data analytics features for the use of manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality and tourism, retail and financial services. By learning and mastering the software, the participants in this competition have possessed necessary data analytics skills that fit across various industries. 
11 teams of students from APU participated in the challenge; all 25 teams who participated were required to produce analytics reports based on the given datasets attached with relevant instructions. As the results were announced, one of our participating teams in the competition emerged as the 1st Runner Up of the challenge. The team was mentored by Dr. Kadhar Batcha Nowshath, encompassing Ng Yang Hong, Raasianna A/P Paramalingam and Woodun Dhandevi, who are full-time students of the MSc in Data Science & Business Analytics programme.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winning team; in addition, KUDOS to the organizing committee - our lecturers from the School of Computing, Dr Kadhar Batcha Nowshath, Mr. Raheem Mafas and Mr. Tanveer Kaleel Sheiek for co-organizing a successful data challenge in collaboration with Fusionex. We look forward to seeing more events as a result of our academia-industry partnership with other industry partners as well.