Calling all Digital enthusiast of SPM 2023 leavers to apply for our Bank Islam Education Sponsorship Programme wherein we offer scholarship to Malaysians intending to pursue their studies in IR 4.0 related field starting from Foundation in Computing & Technology up to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes. The scholarship is offered annually and the call for 2024 application starts on 1st June and ends 15th July 2024.
Selection Criteria
Existing Criteria for Scholars
Scholarship Eligibility
- A Malaysian Citizen
- SPM Graduates in 2023
- Family Gross household income not exceeding RM4,850 per month
Has achieved the following:
- Minimum of 5As in SPM, including Math, English and/or any Science and Computer Science subject.
- Active in extra curricular activities, ambitious, a self-starter, self-driven.
- Posses good communication skills.
- Has excellent interpersonal and leadership skills.
- Not a recipient of any other scholarship or financial assistance.
What you will benefit as a Bank Islam Scholar:
- Full sponsorship for Foundation level & Degree level at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU).
- Monthly Subsistence Allowance throughout the studies.
- In-campus accommodation.
- Laptop Allowance (One-off).
Additional Information
- Applicants are not allowed to switch courses mid-way. They are required to reimburse the Bank if they choose to switch courses mid-way.
- Applicants are subject to avail themselves for employment at Bank Islam upon course completion. However, if the Bank decides otherwise, it will duly exempt the candidate from meeting this requirement.
Additional Criteria for Digital Scholar
- Involvement in digital related initiatives and/or competition at school/district/national level is an added advantage.
- Candidates with Islamic Academic background is an added advantage.
Download application form HERE.
Interested & eligible applicants may email to bankislamscholarship@apu.edu.my for all scholarship related enquiries.
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Malaysian Students
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