Educational Visit to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Museum and Art Gallery

A total of 33 students and 4 lecturers from the School of Computing & Technology (SCT) conducted an educational visit to the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Museum and Art Gallery at Sasaran Kijang on Tuesday, 19 May 2015. The objectives of this trip were to expose students to the vast knowledge of  Art and Design preview of Bank Negara Heritage with supporting multimedia appliances.
The tour at the museum was assisted by Pn. Noreen, curator of BNM Museum Art Gallery, who also conducted a talk on the architecture and elements of the museum. The tour consisted of 5 parts, namely the Bank Negara Malaysia Gallery, Islamic Finance Gallery, Economics Gallery, Numismatic Gallery and the Art Gallery. 
It was an eye-opening experience for the students, who were given the opportunity to elevate their financial literacy and they were able to appreciate Malaysia’s cultural distinctiveness further.