APU-IEEE Student Branch Successfully Established!
We are delighted to announce that APU IEEE Student Branch has been successfully established.
IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It also creates an environment where members collaborate on world-changing technologies from computing and sustainable energy systems, to aerospace, communications, robotics, healthcare, and more. IEEE has more than 430,000 members in more than 160 countries out of which more than 120,000 are student members. IEEE has 38 Societies and ten technical Councils representing the wide range of IEEE technical interests.
Student Branches are the backbone of the IEEE student program. IEEE has created a variety of resources to ensure that students are successful in their work. IEEE Student Branches are established at over 1,500 universities and colleges throughout the world. Within IEEE, activities are organised geographically by Region and local Section. Establishing an IEEE Student Branch required the signatures of 12 IEEE Student members and 3 IEEE Faculty members on a petition. We are pleased that our petition for the formation of IEEE Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation Student Branch in the Malaysia Section under Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) is approved. The approval process included verification of the IEEE membership on the petition, review of the programs offered at APU, review and approval by the IEEE Regional Director and the Regional Student Activities Committee.
As a member of IEEE the APU students will have a wide variety of resources and valuable opportunities to advance their knowledge and future career. Student Branch activities offer numerous educational, technical, and professional advantages of IEEE membership through special projects, activities, meetings, tours and field trips. They also have an opportunity to participate in student competitions, get access to IEEE Magazines and apply for scholarships, grants, and fellowships. IEEE community offers several channels to connect research scholars worldwide including IEEE sections, technical chapters, membership directory and IEEE conferences.
APU IEEE Executive Committee with R10 Director Prof. Toshio Fukuda (3rd from Right) in IEEE Leadership Forum
APU IEEE Executive Committee comprises of:
Advisor: Mr. Muhammad Ehsan Rana
Mentors: Mr. Khoo Li Jing, Mr. Reza Adinehnia
Counselor: Mr. Meisam Eslahi
Chair: Ms. Maryam Var Naseri
For more information please visit the IEEE Student Concourse website at http://www.ieee.org/students which provides valuable information on IEEE Student membership benefits and Student Branch programs. Please also visit the official Facebook page for IEEE Student Activities worldwide at https://www.facebook.com/IEEEStudents/.
Do join us in celebrating the establishment. We are delighted that another milestone has been achieved by APU!