Making a Difference with Innovative Technology

“Innovation is a change that unlocks a new value” – Jamie Notter

We are pleased to share that 4 student teams from APU attained awards at the Invention & Innovation Competition for Private Institutions of Higher Learning (PERINTIS) that was held at Universiti Tenaga National (UNITEN) recently. The exhibition cum competition that saw participation from over 200 education institutes was co-organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) and supported by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

At the competition, our students prepared poster presentations of their innovative technologies that address the theme, “Better Brighter for Sustainable Future”. Under the mentorship of Vinothini Kasinathan, Aida Zamnah and Dr Maythem Kamal Abbas Al-Adili, our students performed excellently at the poster presentation session. Each team walked away with an award, as listed below:

Award Project Name Students Mentor
Silver BraceMed: "Miss your meds no more" Larviania  A/P Somasundram Lo An Gie Winnie Tan Jia Ci Vinothini Kasinathan
Bronze i-cHeart bSihat Choo Jun Yip Jaedon Tan Yung-Ming  Vinothini Kasinathan
Aida Zamnah
Bronze FitJournal Yasmine Chan Pui San Ibrahim Mushfau Saeed Dr Maythem Kamal Abaas Al-Adili
Bronze Multi-Level Encryption Raabiah Mukadam Dr Maythem Kamal Abaas Al-Adili

It was an astonishing achievement for our students, considering that it was their first experience participating in this competition. Congratulations to all four teams; well done!