APU Students’ Industrial Visit to Farm Fresh @ UPM

The School of Marketing and Management (SoMM) at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) organised an insightful and educational industrial visit to Farm Fresh @ UPM on 14th August 2024.

Under the guidance of Ms Harjinder Kaur (Senior Lecturer, SoMM at APU), the visit offered an exclusive learning experience for masters and undergraduate students, providing them with hands-on experience that integrates classroom theory with practical and real-world applications, particularly focusing on sustainability.

Activity 1: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture
Under the guidance of Mr Yew Yen Lee, the tour guide for the visit, students were introduced to the farm’s rich history and commitment to organic farming.

The students embarked on a truck tour, exploring various sections of the farm where they observed organic crop cultivation, advanced irrigation systems, and dairy processing.
They saw firsthand the use of techniques such as crop rotation, polyculture, and water conservation that support sustainable farming practices.

Activity 2: Insight into Dairy Production
For the next phase of the visit, students observed automated milking processes, pasteurisation, and the production of various dairy items, gaining insights into the efficiency and technology behind dairy production.

They were particularly intrigued by the precision of the automated systems and how they streamline operations.
Additionally, the students learned about the farm’s commitment to reducing waste and enhancing product quality through innovative techniques.

Activity 3: Sustainable Innovations
In this phase of the visit, students learned about Farm Fresh’s innovative waste management system, which transforms organic waste into compost and employs strategies to minimise waste.

Additionally, the farm’s commitment to renewable energy was demonstrated through its use of solar panels, reflecting its efforts to reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Discussions on animal welfare and ethical practices were integral to the tour, highlighting humane treatment of livestock and ethical dairy farming.
Activity 4: Engaging Interactive Session
In the final phase of the visit, an engaging Q&A session allowed students to delve into sustainability challenges, innovative solutions, and strategic business practices with Mr Yew.

This interactive segment not only provided valuable insights but also offered students a chance to sample Farm Fresh products, giving them a firsthand experience of the premium quality of organic dairy items.

Student Perspectives
Noreldin Mohamed Taha Mansor, a student from Masters in Global Marketing Management, found the visit eye-opening, appreciating the farm’s commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

Muhammad Zakiey Azhar, a student from Masters in International Business Communications, was notably impressed by the sophisticated waste management and aquaponic systems showcased and is enthusiastic about incorporating these innovative practices into his future professional projects.

Faheema Check Mohamad, a student from Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management (E-Business), valued the farm’s eco-friendly methods and the hands-on learning experience, which enhanced her understanding of organic farming.

Santa Ramiandrasoa
, a student from Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management, highlighted the crucial insights gained from observing the waste management and animal welfare practices during the visit, emphasising their importance for future business operations.

Reflections on the Industrial Visit
Ms Harjinder presented a token of appreciation to Muhammad Hambli, Assistant Operation Manager at Farm Fresh, in recognition of the invaluable support and knowledge shared during the visit.

Ms Harjinder emphasised that the industrial visit was more than just an educational visit; it was a transformative experience that empowered students with practical knowledge and inspired them to advocate for sustainability in their future careers.

“By bridging theoretical concepts with real-world applications, the visit underscored the importance of integrating sustainability into business practices and preparing students to be conscientious leaders in the global marketplace.”