Click HERE to read the Guidelines on Online Learning
Online Learning (OL)
Preparing for Online Learning
What is Online Learning (OL)?
Online learning refers to a mode of learning that takes place on a virtual (online) platform. In online learning, activities, or lectures that normally take place during the face-to-face session will be conducted virtually (online).
In accordance to the Movement Control Order (MCO) and guidelines from the Ministry of Higher Education, APU has implemented OL to ensure that students are able to progress with their studies while observing social distancing & restricted movement guidelines in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How should I prepare myself for Online Learning?
First of all, you should ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
You may use Mobiles, iPads/Tablets, Laptops, or Desktop Computers for e-Orientation. However, for e-Learning/ e-Lectures, especially with assignments, projects, etc, it is advisable to use Laptop/Tablet/iPad or Desktop for a more comfortable experience. It is useful to have good audio and video capability, and the use of headphones/ earphones will greatly enhance the overall experience.
Click HERE to view some tips & guidelines to enhance your Online Learning Experience.
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through our Online Learning platforms.
Can I access Online Learning from any computer? If I don't have a computer, can I use my mobile / tablet?
Yes, all you will need is a stable Internet connection, and your account login information. It is advisable to use a Laptop/Tablet/iPad or Desktop for a more comfortable experience for e-Learning. It is useful to have good audio and video capability, and the use of headphones/ earphones will greatly enhance the overall experience.
What are the software that I need to install? Where do I login? How can I obtain course materials?
Our Online Learning activities take place on these platforms:
- Microsoft Teams - main platform for interaction & communication
- Moodle - repository of lecture notes, tutorials & academic materials
- APSpace - personal assistant for every student when it comes to non-academic matters
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through our Online Learning platforms.
Do I need a webcam to be setup?
A laptop/ desktop camera may be useful during live sessions, particularly when the lecturer would like you to present something. If you do not have it, you may use your mobile phone, iPad / tablets alternatively for the time being. At any other time, it is adequate to only be participating through audio or chat function during live sessions.
I don't have good internet connectivity. How is this going to affect me?
Your learning experience with live sessions may be affected. However, the lecture & tutorial will be recorded. It is recommended to subscribe to a good internet connections
Online Learning (OL)
Attending Classes
How are classes going to be conducted?
Lectures/tutorials will be conducted via live sessions. These sessions will be recorded and you will be able to replay these sessions on Microsoft Stream.
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through these features.
Does Online Learning means that I have to study all by myself?
OL is not self-learning. Your lecturer will provide you with the necessary guidance, learning materials to support your learning. Further guidance may also be provided through chat on Microsoft Teams, iConsult on APSpace. Your assessment will also be using Online Exams, Assignments, and Case Studies.
Will be attendance be taken for Online Learning?
Yes, attendance will be taken similarly to a conventional lecture or tutorial.
I am in my home country, which is currently X hours behind Malaysian time. How do I attend the Online Learning session?
Classes will be carried out as per Malaysian time zone (GMT +8). You are required to attend the sessions based on the above time zone and in line with your timetable. If you are unable to login during Malaysian time, you may also view the Stream as a recording which your module Lecturer will upload in due course in your Microsoft Teams Group or inside your Class folder in Moodle. You can also consult your lecturer via Teams on any lesson clarifications.
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through these features.
How would my attendance be taken if I couldn't watch the live sessions?
Your attendance for the Class may be taken after you've watched the recorded lecture.
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through these features.
What if I don’t understand anything from the live lectures? How can I ask questions?
You may:
- Ask questions during live sessions (i.e., through chat functions)
- Send an email to your lecturer
- Post your question on Teams
- Make an appointment with lecturer through iConsult via APSPace
For students who are joining our new intakes, during your e-Orientation, there will be sessions to guide you through these features.
Online Learning (OL)
Timetable & Schedule
Where can I get the timetable of my classes?
You will be given the timetable a week before the classes commence. For students who are joining our May 2020 intake, you will get your timetable at the end of the month. Your lectures & classes will commence on the week of 1st June 2020.
Will my entire semester be on Online Learning? When will face-to-face learning resume on-campus?
It will depend on the latest guidelines by the Ministry of Higher Education, as to when face-to-face classes are resumed. As soon as we are allowed the face-to-face learning on-campus, we will notify all students. We are also eager to see all of you at the Campus.
When are the study breaks and examination dates?
You will be given a detailed course schedule during your e-Orientation week.
Online Learning (OL)
Assessments, Assignments & Exams
How are assessments being conducted via Online Learning?
All assessments (final exam, class test, quiz) will be conducted online. You will be briefed by your respective lecturers.
How do I submit my assignment online?
Submissions can be made online via our Moodle with turnitin plugin. You will be briefed by your respective lecturers.
How do we do our group assignment since my classmates are not with me?
You are encouraged to carry out the discussions via Microsoft Teams and to refer to your lecturers on how to complete the group assignment.
If you experience any technical difficulties with Online Learning (OL), contact:
APU Virtual Help Centre
+6 03-8992 5050 (Mondays to Fridays, 8:00am to 9:30pm)

Online Learning (OL)
Online Learning (OL) - Tips
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