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Success In Islamic Digital Economy

15 Oct 2020, 11:00 am

APU Students Amongst Top 10 Winners of Competition by Fintech Lab & MDEC​

We are proud to share a recent success attained by our students from the School of Accounting & Finance!

At the recent Islamic Digital Economy Accelerator (IDE-A) Competition, Rizka Rhiza Savira, our final year student of the Islamic Banking & Finance degree, and Ferdinandus Angrianto, a second-year Banking & Finance student were placed among the Top 10 finalists. The IDE-A Competition, organized by Fintech Lab and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), aimed to discover new ideas for implementation in the Islamic digital economy.

Among all participants who came from institutions of higher learning across Malaysia, Rizka and Ferdinandus emerged as the finalists with their innovative solutions.




Rizka pitched the idea of “ITQAN”, a mobile app designed to channel zakat and waqf (Islamic Charity/Trust) quickly to the needy. With additional functionalities that can be used as the marketplace, she surely has a vision to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of the community. On the other hand, Ferdinandus came up with an idea that balances the opportunities of construction projects, where contractors can make direct comparison of materials among different suppliers, and bid for projects on an equal platform. His idea, “CONSTRUCTR” aims to provide more opportunities to SMEs so that they can stand a chance to compete with major construction firms.

Both Rizka and Ferdinandus are mentored by our lecturers from the School of Accounting & Finance, Ms. Hafinaz Hasniyanti Hassan and Ms. Ummi Kalthum Ab Mujib respectively. As the Top 10 winners, they walked away with a 6-months complimentary business mentoring & coaching programme by Fintech Lab worth RM50,000 and free participation at the YES 3-Day Bootcamp worth RM3,000.

We congratulate Rizka and Ferdinandus for their success as budding Fintech entrepreneurs!