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Press Release - Setting A New Benchmark In e-Learning

22 May 2020, 03:15 pm

More than 600 students commence their Pre-University Intake online at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

Press Release - Setting A New Benchmark In e-Learning

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 May 2020 – The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) took a major leap forward by welcoming its new intake of Pre-University students to the University via its first-ever e-Orientation Programme which was delivered completely online, beyond the 8000 current students who are undergoing Online Digital Learning (ODL) on the online platforms.

The live broadcast was streamed from the university’s campus in Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), recorded more than 2,000 participants online, including 632 students from over 22 countries, their parents and the university’s global partners.

As technology is its forte, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) had embarked on its digital education transformation over the last two years and since Aug 2019 a framework was set with strategic goals in place to roll out e-Learning - Online Digital Learning (ODL) to complement its conventional on campus mode of teaching & learning. Being one of the first universities in Malaysia to go live with online digital and remote learning during the MCO period, the implementation process was smooth for all stakeholders involved.

With aims to stay engaged with the Pre-University students who will be commencing a new milestone online, the e-Orientation Programme served as a connector between the university’s academicians, support staff and the students, who are unable to attend to face-to-face classes in line with the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).


With efforts to provide a personalised touch to all students virtually, the university established an e-Counsellors team, comprising staff from the Student Services Team. Prior to the e-Orientation Programme, each and every student was assigned to an e-Counsellor, who are dedicated to providing a (virtual) hand-holding experience. These include answering to their queries, holding virtual meetings, & QnA sessions, as they hop on-board to the university’s Online Digital Learning (ODL) platforms - namely Microsoft Teams, Moodle and the university’s proprietary student experience application, the APSpace.

Topics covered throughout the e-Orientation Programme included an overview of the Online Digital Learning Journey, Social Media Digital Footprint, an introduction to Campus Life & Support Services, Briefing on PTPTN Loan and Ice-Breaking sessions and more.

The university’s academic management team ranging from the Vice Chancellor down to all Heads of School participated actively during these sessions that was held over 3 days, from 18th May  to 20th May 2020.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of APIIT Education Group, Datuk Parmjit Singh made a special appearance at the e-Orientation Programme to encourage young SPM leavers to embrace Technology & Digital Learning and adapt to the new normal with positivity.


“Quote from Datuk Parmjit”

e-Learning in APU was instantly adapted as soon as the lock down took place. I am delighted about the enthusiasm generated by all staff of APU and this e-Orientation is a fantastic initiative for our new students. We look forward to welcome all our students to the campus soon”.

The e-Orientation Programme garnered positive responses from students & parents; “It feels like I am attending a virtual Ted Talk”, said a student, who participated in the e-Orientation Programme. Another student commented, “The dedication of the people in charge of today's conference are very commendable. Beginning to enjoy APU already!”.

An APU Alumni said – “As one of alumni for APU, I am proud that we can easily adapt into technology especially in this pandamic situation! Kudos to the team and our May intake students”.

“As a parent, I feel proud. I wish my University was like this. Well Done APU/APIIT.” – commented a parent on Microsoft Teams Live.

APU’s next Pre-University intake is on 29th June 2020 for Foundation and Diploma Programmes. The e-Orientation for its Bachelors Degree and Postgraduate Students will commence in the first week of June 2020.

About Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is amongst Malaysia’s Premier Private Universities. APU offers a wide range of degree programmes in Technology that aim to nurture students into professionals and prepare them for challenging careers and roles in business and society globally. The multi-cultural student community comprises 12,000 students from over 130 countries.  

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