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First Ever Online Techstars Startup Weekend @ APU

21 Jul 2021, 10:56 am

Participants Thrived in Techstars Startup Weekend, Pushing Ideas from Great to AWESOME!

WHAT A WAY TO END TO TECHSTARS STARTUP WEEKEND @ APU 2021! Jointly organised by Techstars and Enterprise@APU team, this 54-hour online Techstars Startup Weekend which happened from 2nd July to 4th July 2021 (Friday - Sunday) was a HUGE success accompanied by lots of marvellous ideas and innovative solutions from all participants!


The event was designed to provide experiential knowledge where aspiring entrepreneurs can experience startup life. Students who participated in this event will be evaluated on brainstorming skills, creating a prototype, and followed through with a series of presentations. Techstars Startup Weekend features deep experiential learning with many opportunities to engage and connect with like-minded individuals.

The Startup Weekend is a great platform to learn what it really takes to innovate, disrupt and start a company from people who have experienced it themselves. It is also a good place to connect with passionate people driven to build something new. There is no better place to meet new friends, colleagues, mentors, cofounders, and inventors.  We were fascinated by the performance of our team of students!


There were 81 registrants and a total of 6 teams managed to get into the final pitching session. The results announced by the judges are as follows: -

1st Place - Raccoonia
2nd Place - Entr.Key 
3rd Place - All Sport, All Insight  
Honourable Mention - Seni, LearniFY, FoodRandol, Security Patrol

The organising committee of the event consisted of the lecturing team from Enterprise@APU, Dr. Janitha Kularajasingam, Dr. Tan Chye Cheah, Ms Haslina Hashim, Ms Meera Eeswaran, Mr Tan Kok Kiang, Ms Jenny Low (Alumni) and students Ryan Yap Mun Fai, Natelie Kang Zhi Le, Chong Hao Yi, Chua Qin Peng and Lai Wai Yin.

The details of the Academic and Industrial Mentors, Trainers and Judges can be seen as follows:-

Academic mentorsIndustrial mentors
Dr. Janitha KularajasingamFarhan Ahmed (Advisor, Planner Urban planning)
Dr. Tan Chye CheahLilyana Abdul Latiff (CEO and founder BETA Foundation)
Haslina HashimMichael Aw Wai Kit (Experience technopreneur)
Meera EeswaranNor Azmi Alias (Senior vice president research CREST)
Ooi Aik Khong (Eekang Ooi)Santa Kumar (Instructor Paris and Europe Learning Center)
Tan Kok KiangWilliam Du (Founder and CEO of Ingenious Haus group)
Azfarazie AmirolzakriCo-Founder and CEO Work Inspires
Ng Sai KitFounder and CEO Captii Venture
Charissa Ong Tse YingHead of product design Inmagine
Arulchelvam ArulampalamFounder of Kryptopos
Charissa Ong Tse YingHead of product design Inmagine
Dash DhakshinamoorthyFounder Startup Malaysia
Peter TamHead of Partnerships Rackspace Technology

The contestants were the highlights of the show for their impressive pitches which WOW the judges. All 6 teams will be progressing into an Ideation Accelerator Programme!

For more info, check out the page at Startup Weekend KL at APU | Facebook

Once again, well done to the committees and all participants for pushing your ideas from great to AWESOME!