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ADeEz Chatbot Win Silver Medal At V-MIIEx 2021

21 Dec 2021, 11:49 am

Power Girls' A+ AI assignment using conversational chatbots enhance expert systems by offering natural and intuitive information delivery methods using natural language.


Aedes mosquitoes are vicious species. They can ruin perfectly good days, good night’s sleep, picnics, and any other outdoor or indoor activity.

Awareness initiatives may educate the public about the dangers of these deadly insects and prevent mosquito colonies from sprouting in your backyard, allowing you to enjoy the nice weather Malaysia has to offer.

Our Data Informatics students Lee Pei Qi, Leong Zhi Yi, and Joie Chuah Hwei EE recently received a Silver Medal at the Virtual-Melaka International Intellectual Exposition (V-MIIEx) 2021 organised by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Melaka Campus.

V-MIIEx, themed 'Creativity in the New Norms,' brings together ideas, inspiration, and a platform for researchers to build networking, partnerships, and chances to cooperate with industry.

This was the first time APU participated in this competition, and Ts Dr Vinothini Kasinathan sent in only one team of 'girl power' equipped with their A+ AI assignment completed for diploma class with the help of Ms Aida Zamnah Zainal Abidin.

ADeEz chatbot avatar used in this project.

"This is our first time participating in a competition. It gives us tremendous joy to earn a Silver medal in the first trial. We totally did not expect that, but we put our best effort in building this system,” said Lee representing Power Girl.

Since dengue fever has been affecting Malaysia for ages, they developed a system called ‘ADeEz Chatbot Tutorial On Reducing Dengue Fever’ with expert knowledge as well as a diagnosis to the dengue symptoms and raising public awareness on the symptoms, impact, and prevention of the dengue virus.

"The ADeEz chatbot tutor is designed with the goal of exposing more information on the Dengue disease by incorporating the concept of an intelligent agent, making acquiring information more interactive and interesting, and eventually educating the public on the disease in an interactive way," she explained.

Power Girl would like to offer their heartfelt appreciation to Dr Vino and Ms Aida for their guidance and support during their journey.

"It took us about two to three months to prepare the system, starting with brainstorming ideas and eventually building the outcome, and we would love to explore more and go beyond our current achievement," she said, adding, "We will definitely take part in more amazing competitions in the future to enrich and enhance ourselves."