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The Grand Voyage' Final Year Exhibition

07 Apr 2021, 06:03 pm

Honouring Students’ Achievements as They Step into a New Chapter in Life

The Grand Voyage signifies every ending is a new beginning; celebrating the dedication and achievement of our students as they let their dreams set sail upon a new voyage in life. Organised by the School of Media, Arts & Design (SOMAD), this 3-day Final Year Exhibition revealed the last piece of portfolio produced by our students from 2020 June intake before sailing into their professional life.


The ambiance of the exhibition was energetic as it is the first and largest event held in APIIT this year, showcasing a total of 22 projects encompassing students from Product Design, Transport Design, Digital Film & 3D Animation Technology, Visual Effects & Concept Design, Advertising & Brand Management, and Animation. Live-Streaming sessions were also conducted simultaneously on the SOMAD YouTube channel throughout the exhibition to engage with the audience & students who were unable to make it physically due to movement restrictions.




The Student Project Manager of this exhibition, Hima Easwaran mentioned that it was indeed a challenging year for this batch of students to showcase their final artwork as the majority of their classes and discussions were held online. Nevertheless, these students were still able to pull off remarkable work despite the challenges, which were also praised by several industrial talents such as Omen Studios, Codemaster, Silverant, Meccannica, and many more.

Among all projects, a few certainly stood out and caught the attention of many. One of the notable creations was created by Lee William from BA (Hons) in Product Design, who invented ‘Moule’ – a self-sustaining public toilet inspired by the Baya Weaver Bird Nest. With sustainability in mind, Moule was built using recycled materials such as recycled plastics, wood, and stainless steel. It also included solar-powered energy features and rainwater harvesting technology for cleaning. Human waste on the other hand will be processed using a compact humanure composting chamber which turns excrement into organic fertiliser to reduce environmental pollutions. Technology was also incorporated which allows users to locate toilet availability using the application.




This exhibition was a beautiful display of our students’ journey at APIIT before taking that first step into the industry. Like a boat sailing across the rough sea into an unknown storm, it symbolises the transition from student to adulthood; embarking onto their professional journey. It could be daunting, but rough seas make stronger sailors and tough times build greater people.

We are proud to also note that some students have secured job opportunities and received job offers prior to this exhibition, while some who have gotten positive feedback from industry partners received invitations for interviews or job applications. Well done to SOMAD for organising the event and we look forward to seeing our talents contributing to a better tomorrow!

For those who missed it and want to check out their works, you can go to and watch the recorded live stream below:

Day 1:

Day 2: 


