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APU Sweeps 14 FUSION UX 2022 Awards, Including Gold & Special Awards

30 Nov 2022, 12:50 pm


Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) had a memorable moment at the virtual 4th National Symposium on Human Computer Interaction - FUSION 2022: Student Design Competition; winning Gold award for development category, as well as three Silver awards, five Bronze awards, three special jury awards for best poster and best video, and two lucky draws.

FUSION 2022 is organised by the Kuala Lumpur ACM SIGCHI Chapter (myHCI-UX) and supported by ACM SIGCHI, with the theme ‘Designing a Sustainable Future’ which looks into ideas and solutions that address the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Design Goals (SDG).

The organisers call for action, particularly in the areas of Good Health and Well-being (SDG #3), Quality Education (SDG #4), and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG #8), which are important to young people in Malaysia and around the world.

The judging panel consisted of local industry leaders who evaluated entries based on merit, integrity, performance and raising awareness on human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX).

Team TRAVO: Theenesh Sivakumar and Gells Tan Yin Zhao, both Computer Science with a specialism in Data Analytics students, received the Gold award for their design The Selangor Tourism Chatbot, with the tagline ‘Fulfill your desires with your ideal vacation’; the same design also received special jury awards for best poster and best video.

Data Analytics students Theenesh and Gells display the prototype design of TRAVO: The Selangor Tourism Chatbot.

Commenting on this accolade, Theenesh stated that it was an honour for him and Gells to be able to represent APU for Fusion 2022 and that throughout the competition, they were able to learn a lot about various topics, primarily pertaining to workplace experiences and situations.

“When we first entered this competition, we knew it would be difficult to win because all of the other participants were either final-year students or working adults with far more experience than us.

“However, this did not dampen our spirits as we continued to work very hard in order to create a system capable of sustaining the future of the world in which we live, with so many different experts providing us with valuable insight based on their experiences in the industry and what we should do to make the most of it,” said Theenesh and Gells.

“Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and we would like to thank our supervisors, Ts Dr Vinothini Kasinathan and Ms Nur Amira Abdul Majid, for guiding us on this incredible journey. We would absolutely like to represent APU in future competitions.”



Here are the other winners from APU in FUSION 2022.