Loh Kae Shyan, a student from APU, joined forces with talented individuals from TARUMT and MMU to represent Malaysia at the prestigious ASEAN Cyber Security Competition. Their skills and collaboration shone through, showcasing Malaysia’s rising expertise in this critical field.
Talented students from Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TARUMT) and Multimedia University (MMU) formed team Cincai to compete in the renowned ASEAN Cyber Sea Games 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The ASEAN Cyber Sea Games are organised by the ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre (AJCCBC) to expose participants to cyber security and test the skills of ASEAN Member States in the field of information security and computer systems.
Despite coming from different universities, Cincai members consisting of Loh Kae Shyan (APU Information Systems Security student), Choo Chi Siang (TARUMT), Wang Teng Zheng (TARUMT) and Tee Ee Yang (MMU), worked together seamlessly throughout the competition.
Their selection as a rising star in the international cyber security scene was made by the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA), the National Security Council (NSC) under the supervision of the Prime Minister’s Department, where they were chosen based on their experience participating in the domestic Capture the Flag (CTF) competition.
Following the achievement of the students who won first place in the Cyber Warzone CTF competition organised by NACSA, NSC, four of them have been chosen to represent Malaysia at the ASEAN level.
The Singapore team won the competition, followed by the top ten teams from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos.
Head School of Technology (SoT) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thang Ka Fei congratulated the participants involved especially Kae Shyan who is a student under his school.
“Kae Shyan’s achievement is one to be proud of, and it is hoped that he will serve as an example to other students.
“In addition to being able to represent Malaysia at the ASEAN level, the students involved can further increase their cyber security knowledge and skills outside of the classroom, which is beneficial for their learning growth,” he said.
According to Kae Shyan, this competition is very challenging, especially in terms of the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE), which is the highlight of this year’s ASEAN Cyber Sea Games.
However, he pointed out that they were very lucky to be able to compete in this competition and learn from every hurdle they had.
“Our ethical knowledge has been significantly enhanced through this experience,” shared Kae Shyan, representing team Cincai.
“We are eager to participate in future events and competitions whenever the opportunity arises.”
The ASEAN Cyber Sea Games 2023 provided a valuable platform for young cyber security talents from Southeast Asian nations to showcase their skills and foster regional collaboration.
Team Cincai’s participation not only signifies Malaysia’s growing expertise in the field but also highlights the potential for future collaboration and knowledge exchange among ASEAN countries.
The APU community is proud of Loh Kae Shyan’s achievement and the outstanding performance of team Cincai. We look forward to their continued success and contribution to the advancement of cyber security in Malaysia and beyond.
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