International and local students prepare the aromatic 'bubur lambuk' during Ramadan for orphans and the underprivileged.

Last weekend, more than 100 students at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) were ecstatic to be given the opportunity to prepare 'bubur lambuk,' (porridge) to be distributed and served to the Muslim community during breaking fast.
Students from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen, and other countries collaborated for the first time in the preparation of the aromatic meal; which included rice, coconut milk, beef, vegetables, and various spices such as garlic, Bombay onions, cinnamon, star anise, clove, cardamom, fenugreek seed, candlenuts, fennel, black and white pepper, and others.
Through the Ihya' Ramadan 2022 event hosted by the APU Malay Cultural Society (AMCS) in partnership with the Federation of Peninsular Malay Students (GPMS), some international students took part for the first time and gained experience in preparing the 'bubur lambuk' which usually takes time and requires many participants to cook it in the spirit of working together (‘gotong-royong’).

“The main goal of the AMCS is to convey Malay culture and traditions to all APU student community, regardless of race, religion, or nationality,” AMCS Advisor Ms Aida Zamnah Zainal Abidin explained, adding that “GPMS also sponsored burgers that were prepared and grilled for distribution to our community, in addition to 'bubur lambuk' (courtesy of APU) lead by Mr Alang Sury, committee member of Masjid Saad Abi Waqas.”
Before distributing the food packs, the children from ‘Rumah Penyayang Anak Yatim dan Asnaf Ulu Yam Selangor’ (Dar Asnaf Alfateeh) performed Qasidah.
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Kuan also presented at the event, and Senior Lecturer Mr Ahmad Nadzri Roes and Ms Aida Zamnah distributed Aidilfitri pre-Raya gift packs to 21 underprivileged children from Dar Asnaf Alfateeh and 29 orphans from Masjid Saad Abi Waqas Gombak.

“Apart from having the experience of cutting onions and ginger with friends, I can now cook 'bubur lambuk' this Ramadan,” said Ihya 'Ramadan Project Manager Mohd Zawawi Abdunrosaeh while thanking all committee members, lecturers, GPMS, Dar Asnaf Alfateeh, and the Saad Abi Waqas Mosque for giving them such a meaningful opportunity.
Meanwhile, Ros Amisya Fatiha stated that Ihya' Ramadan was memorable and that the event spread positive messages, particularly by cooperating in the distribution of charity.
“This programme directly demonstrated that the students involved could also contribute to the community. Furthermore, it can help students improve their self-confidence and skill mastery,” she said.

Yemeni students who wish to be known as Hussein said, “While I don't understand what they're saying, I understand various aspects of their culture, and this is a great way to approach other cultures and taste amazing good food.”
“I like the idea of how the programme fuses our cultures together with the international students in our globalised campus,” said Muhammad Rafi Dwiyani from Indonesia.
He concluded that “Ihya' Ramadan programme successfully met a great target where it brought together humanity through sharing and showing Malay culture to others.”
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