The extinction of the wild tiger will affect the environment and its sustainability with the collapse of biodiversity. To save the critically endangered Malaysia’s national animal – “Panthera Tigris Jackson”, the scientific name for the Malayan Tiger from disappearing, you can do something!

Yes, you can participate in 5 kilometres of “Roar Run with Obstacles”, to feel and experience the plight of the wild tigers, and at the same time raise funds for the Malayan Tigers’ conservational works.
Collaborating with the Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT), and De Montfort University (DMU), UK, the Integrated Sustainability & Urban Creativity Centre (ISUC) Student Chapter at APU is organising the run in hybrid mode on 18th December 2022 (Sunday) – with a physical run at APU and a virtual run at DMU.
“The physical run with obstacles will be at APU’s campus at MRANTI Park, Bukit Jalil from 7.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., whereas the virtual run at DMU can be anytime and anywhere on the same date. Participants in the UK could run upload the map of completion and picture of them running to the organiser,” said Ms Abbhirami Sivarajan, ISUC Student Chapter advisor.
According to Rajveen Kaur, the appointed Malayan Tiger conservationist based at APU, this event was an outcome of the project that she pitched to the MYCAT office, besides raising funds, it is intending to bring awareness to the importance of protecting the Malayan Tigers, to promote the ‘CAT Walk’ held by MYCAT.

The ‘CAT Walk’ is a flagship programme organised by Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) under MYCAT. It calls upon citizen volunteers to patrol a critical wildlife corridor, identify signs of wildlife, and report poaching, illegal mining, and forest clearing.
Participating fees of those who are in Malaysia will be RM 30 for early birds, and RM 35 for a normal run; the virtual run participating fees in the UK is £5 per person. All proceeds will be channelled to MYCAT for saving the tigers.
The organiser is targeting 200 participants without an age limit, and the closing date for registration will be on 15th December. APU’s community and the general public can click on the registration link: to register themselves and stay connected with the organizer for more updates at
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