APU Foundation Students Extended Their Helping Hands to Furrykids Safehaven, Seremban
Since 2016, the School of Foundation (SOF) has been a caring supporter of animal welfare by initiating various activities for the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).
This year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, SOF and their active student volunteers extended their helping hands to another animal shelter, the Furrykids Safehaven as the shelter struggled to recover from the flash floods that destroyed their facilities back in November 2020. The ill-fated incident cost the lives of 54 dogs and more than 100 dogs were injured. Hence, the shelter was in dire need of funds to rebuild and provide medical attention for the stray animals under their care.
Despite the challenging times when the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) and Movement Control Order (MCO) took place at the beginning of this year, our students were determined to provide assistance in the best way they could. A line-up of activities was organised, comprising fundraising activities and social media initiatives in line with the restrictions in place.

Firstly, a ‘crowdfunding’ method was implemented where students initiated fundraising activities across social media. This was coupled with a virtual forex and investment workshop and a pet challenge competition on social media. A total of RM6,000 was raised throughout 1 month, and the cheque was handed over to Furrykids Safehaven recently.
The success of the campaign was due to the strong determination and dedication demonstrated by our students, as they planned, organised, and executed the campaign despite these challenging times. The students, mentored by the School of Foundation, Ms. Abbhirami Sivarajan, had touched our hearts by showering the stray animals with love and care. Kudos to the School of Foundation for such lovely efforts!
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