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Three Musketeers’ Wins 2nd Runner Up At Hilti Global ITC 2022

28 Apr 2022, 09:52 am

Three Musketeers CAME Project uses a combination of data analysis with virtual reality (VR) gamification to create an immersive VR experience.


In the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) era; machines, computers, and people are all highly connected and communicating with networks of smart devices, making effective cybersecurity measures more difficult to execute.

Our Data Analytics students Lai Mei Sim, Chan See Mun and Wong Zi Xuan recently qualified for the final round of the Hilti Global IT Competition (ITC) 2022, where they finished 2nd Runner Up and also won rewards for treasure hunts.

This year's Hilti ITC challenges undergraduate and postgraduate students to build cybersecurity awareness campaigns using new teaching methodologies, such as gamification, to raise cybersecurity awareness in the construction industry through four key topics namely Social Engineering, Phishing, Device and Password Security, and Ransomware and Malware.

“This is our first time competing as a trio and we began planning for this competition in December 2021. We met for over 30 sessions in five months to discuss the entire concept and project. As a result, we spend about seven hours a week developing our presentation, prototypes, and core ideas,” said Mei Sim representing Three Musketeers.


The Three Musketeers' team spirit and devotion helped them win this challenge since they complemented each other in many ways with their individual talents and knowledge.

They began by brainstorming after conducting a thorough analysis of the present cybersecurity awareness training industry situation and trends, then systematised parts of the processes while incorporating their creativity to come up with their own solution.

“Our solution, Cybersecurity Awareness Master & Expert (CAME) combines cybersecurity training in cyberland — virtual reality (VR) training game and User Entity Behavioural Analytics (UEBA) aims to innovatively transform employee's cybersecurity awareness journey into an immersive experience,” she explained.

The trio would like to offer their heartfelt appreciation to all lecturers for their guidance and support during their journey, especially to Ts. Dr. Vinesha Selvarajah, “Our ‘musketeer coach’ who mentored us from professional skills to emotional encouragement.”

The Three Musketeers who are enrolled in the B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science with a specialism in Data Analytics agreed that the program content and modules address the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), machine learning and analytics.


This helped them to develop a successful and working prototype combining ‘Data Analytics and Cybersecurity’.

The working environment and culture of Hilti Asia IT Services (HAITS) was conducive and motivating. “We intend to intern or work for HAITS in the future,” Mei Sim disclosed.

The Three Musketeers received trophies, certificates, a Hilti power tool, and a tech device for each member, as well as a RM500 prize for the treasure hunt.

Ts. Dr. Vinesha, a cybersecurity and data analytics expert said, “The students were able to incorporate the use of Data Analytics into the development of behavioural analytics in the production of an immersive gamifying experience using VR.”

“The unique blend of talent among the Three Musketeers has indeed shown fruitful success. Apart from being the Top 3 Winners of the HILTI ITC 2022, they were offered an opportunity to intern in Hilti Asia with a generous reward. Kudos to them,” she concluded.