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[Press Release] Petroleum Experts in the Making

11 Oct 2018, 02:02 pm

Kuala Lumpur, 11 October 2018: Petroleum Experts (PETEX), one of the world’s leading petroleum engineering software company based in United Kingdom (UK), donated software licenses worth approximately RM8.7 million to Asia Pacific University (APU) recently.

The suite of Integrated Production Modelling (IPM) software - “Prosper”, “GAP”, “GAP TRANSIENT”, “MBAL” and “REVEAL” cover the entire spectrum of petroleum engineering concepts and application. Through the software, students are exposed to seamless learning experiences within the knowledge areas of production forecasts, reservoir optimization and other useful applications that assist them to develop critical analysis of field and reservoir management.

APU is one of the first universities in Malaysia to adopt the PETEX software suite within its academic syllabus.

Year 3 and Year 4 students of APU’s B.Eng (Hons) in Petroleum Engineering programme will be using the software in their “Production Engineering”, “Gas Engineering”, “Reservoir Engineering” modules that are offered through the programme.

The industry-grade software suite is also set to assist Final Year aspiring Petroleum Engineers in completing their Field Development Project, where students apply the use of the software suite in case studies, to simulate real-life problems and develop relevant solutions based on real-time data.

A report published by the World Economic Forum in 2017 addressed the needs for digital transformation within the oil and gas industry, where digital technologies uncover huge potentials by providing better understanding on a reservoir’s resource and production capabilities to increase efficiency; therefore, this sponsorship provided by PETEX also supports a key objective of APU to develop industry-ready skills amongst its Petroleum Engineering students, preparing them to become technologically-sound petroleum engineers as they graduate.