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Power Electronics Research In Denmark For Merdeka Grant Award Recipient

08 Jul 2022, 11:41 am

2021 Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment recipient, Ir. Dr. Freddy Tan Kheng Suan, School of Engineering, recently returned home fully loaded with fruitful experiences from Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, one of the best research institutions for Power Electronics and Renewable Energy in the world.

Ir. Dr. Freddy Tan Kheng Suan, 2021 Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment recipient, enjoyed a sunny day at AAU Energy, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark.

As a grant recipient. Dr. Freddy, further built his expertise in designing onboard chargers for electric vehicles (EV) using wide-bandgap technology, during the two-month post-doctoral attachment in Denmark which ended in early July 2022. This stint helped to deepen his knowledge and expertise in photovoltaic converters and electric vehicles, besides getting a taste of the Scandinavian lifestyle.

Working closely with Professor ‪Frede Blaabjerg, a reputable scholar at AAU Energy (Department of Energy), was an incredible honour. “Professor Frede has one of the world's highest citations in Energy Technology, which could reach more than 100,000. He is recognised as the world’s best power electronics professor with numerous international awards. I am gratefaul to be able to learn from an expert as such in this field to contribute to our nation's development,” said Dr. Freddy gratifyingly.‬‬‬

The “Frede-Freddy alliance” - Ir. Dr. Freddy Tan Kheng Suan (left) with his mentor Professor ‪Frede Blaabjerg, the world’s best power electronics professor at Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark.‬‬‬

The “Frede-Freddy alliance” was part of his exploration of fostering potential collaboration with overseas experts. “I have attended several courses by various experts and have developed a preliminary design for the photovoltaic converter and onboard charger. I have also established some networks with the professors for future collaboration,” he said.

Dr. Freddy was officially announced as the Merdeka Award Grantee for International Attachment at the Announcement and Presentation Ceremony hosted by Merdeka Award Trust (MAT) in Kuala Lumpur in November 26, 2021.

The Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment is designed for Malaysians between 22-35 years old to engage in collaborative projects at an international host institute of selected disciplines, including education, arts, sports, community or social works, and the environment, health, science and technology.

Dr. Freddy plans to apply for several grants to further investigate the feasibility of the preliminary design of the onboard charger for EV, and to further collaborate with AAU, as well as the relevant industries.

EVs are gaining in popularity and are predicted to dominate the automobile market by 2040 or earlier. As onboard charger for EVs is an emerging study area, the country needs more local experts for its research and development.

The “wide-bandgap” technology that Dr. Freddy leverages for the onboard charger for EV research refers to higher-energy electronic bandgaps – a difference in energy levels creates the semiconductor action as an electronic switch between the two levels. Therefore, it permits devices to operate at much higher voltages, frequencies, and temperatures than conventional semiconductor materials.

Ir. Dr. Freddy Tan Kheng Suan, exhibits his research work as Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU).

Aside from studies and work, when asked about what was the most unforgettable experience staying in Denmark for two months and what he enjoyed most, Dr. Freddy shared, “I enjoyed the culture the most!”

He elaborated, that he likes the Danish work-life balance culture, where they spend quality time with family and friends. “That is why Danish is known as the happiest people in the world,” he added, Danish are generally friendly and helpful to foreign guests and are generous and willing to share their experiences and knowledge without reservation.

With his research expertise broadened and experience gained, Dr. Freddy has some words of advice to his students at APU – “Don’t study just to pass examinations, but go beyond and contribute to your profession”.

“Be willing to share your expertise, exchange knowledge with others and work together. We can’t achieve much by working alone, but we need one another including experts from different fields for greater achievement,” concluded Dr. Freddy.

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