Four years of hard work and sacrifice pays off for Raja Shuja. Tops amongst 65 research papers in the ICMDRSE
PhD in Management graduate student, Mr Raja Shuja-ul-Haq bagged the Best Paper Presentation Award in the 4th International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research Studies and Education (ICMDRSE) 2021 held in Kuala Lumpur on 29 & 30 June 2021. His PhD study focused on Consumer Behaviour.
The ICMDRSE 2021 is an academic conference that gathers researchers from diverse fields, engineering, technology, and management to share their research findings and latest ideas.
Organised by the Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP), the main objective of this conference is to integrate interdisciplinary inquiry to deliver the best applications.
Raja Shuja won the Best Paper Presentation Award for his presentation entitled “Effect of Cognitive Influence on Consumer Online Health Information Seeking / OHIS for Supplemental Nutrition: An Explanatory Study of Young Professionals in Kuala Lumpur” with the help from his supervisors and co-authors, Dr Behrang Samadi and Dr Jugindar Singh who worked tirelessly in providing the right guidance at the right time.
Difficult Roads Lead to Success
According to Raja Shuja, the research idea was shaped during his doctoral research proposal development phase by utilizing a thorough examination of prevailing knowledge gaps in contemporary literature.
The competition was very tough as a total of 65 research papers were presented at the conference by researchers from various universities across the globe from the fields of management, engineering, and medical science.
“As for the near future, I am completely focused on presenting another conference paper from my PhD work in September 2021 at a very prestigious international conference in Bangkok, and I will give my 100 percent to make APU proud once again,” he said while adding that down the road, his dream is to become Editor-In-Chief for reputed international journals focusing on consumer behaviour.
Raja Shuja took four years to complete this quantitative academic research paper which was a part of his PhD work at APU and presents ground-breaking insights of the effect of cognitive influence on online health and nutrition information-seeking behaviour of Malaysian millennials professionals residing in Kuala Lumpur.
Moreover, his paper also touches on health risk perceptions, health consciousness, health privacy concerns, self-efficacy, value perceptions, and prevailing sub-cultural/ethnic biases that influence their intention to seek and use online health and nutrition information.
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