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APU’s Computing Wizards Won Awards At The International Research And Symposium And Exposition (RISE) 2021

29 Nov 2021, 03:05 pm

Can you imagine, when you are still laying in bed on one fine Sunday morning, and you can start planning for your holiday travels by chatting with a chatbot? 

In the afternoon, as you walk in a crowded shopping complex, there is a call of nature to be answered, you can now track beforehand how clean the nearby washroom is! 

Isn’t it cool? Do not be surprised, these are all creations by APU’s students from the School of Computing. What's more, both students won awards based on these inventions beyond the campus!


The chatbot was created by Goh Kian How, a Diploma in ICT with a specialism in Data Informatics student. He named this chatbot “Mr. Jio”, which is tasked with the role to enhance its owner’s travel experiences by simplifying travel planning with trustable information and suggestions.

As for the washroom occupancy tracking and hygiene monitoring system named “Wocuppancy”, it was the creation of Dooshyant Rai Kallychurn, a Bachelor of Software Engineering student. It addresses the issue of long queues and unhygienic conditions due to numerous visits to public or shared washrooms. Both washroom users and cleaners could ease their minds, as they will have better control on the situation aided by this application.

Goh and Dooshyant won Silver awards at the International Research and Symposium and Exposition (RISE) 2021, an exhibition that showcased innovative products and technologies in institutions of higher learning (IHL), organised by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).

There were 248 qualified entries to the RISE UHTM event, all with good quality of innovation and excellence in research and development. APU was the only private higher learning institution that won an award. 

APU’s contestants were mentored by Ts. Dr. Vinothini Kasinathan and Ms. Nur Amira Abdul Majid, both lecturers from the School of Computing. 

“Goh’s chatbot cum expert system is an edutainment tool on tourism, which incorporates Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is Goh’s first competition and we are very proud of his achievement,” said Ts. Dr. Vinothini.

“Wocuppany blends IoT, data analytics and mobile application. It has great potential and capability to be implemented in washrooms because it could provide useful information on washroom hygiene, especially amidst the Covid-19 pandemic,” added Ms. Nur Amira.