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Sun, Sand, and Social Impact: Promoting Sustainability Principles and Environmental Awareness Amongst Rumah Shalom Youths

25 Apr 2024, 06:12 pm

‘Ocean Guardians’ is a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and making a positive impact, as APU students and youths from Rumah Shalom Orphanage join forces to work towards a sustainable future for our oceans, guiding young minds with ESG principles.


Forget textbooks for a day! On 23rd March 2024, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) joined forces with youths from Rumah Shalom Orphanage in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan for a unique Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) project called ‘Ocean Guardians’.

It a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and making a difference. The APU students, led by School of Marketing and Management (SoMM) lecturer, Ms Harjinder Kaur and Mr David Ng Kok Meng, were on a mission to instil environmental awareness, teamwork, and creativity in the underprivileged youths.

The day kicked off with a beach cleaning activity. But it was not just about picking up trash. The APU students transformed it into a learning experience, discussing the importance of coastal conservation and the threats plastic pollution poses to marine life.


Armed with gloves, hats, and trash bags, the youths became eco-warriors, cleaning the beach with newfound enthusiasm.

Next up was a friendly volleyball tournament. The competitive spirit soared as the youths showcased their teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship.

Cheers erupted as they strategized, rallied points, and celebrated victories and defeats together as a valuable lesson in perseverance and the power of collaboration.


Unleashing their creativity was the theme for the final activity — a sandcastle building competition. From resourcefulness to problem-solving, the youths put their imaginations to the test, building magnificent sandcastles under the warm sun.

Laughter filled the air as they collaborated and revelled in the joy of creating something unique together and the day ended with happy faces and a sense of accomplishment.

Ms. Harjinder beamed as she shared the youths’ enthusiastic requests for more such outings.


“They had a blast bonding with each other,” she claimed. “These experiences are rare for them, and they were not just happy about the beach trip — it was their first time ever in Port Dickson! They truly appreciate the effort our university team put in.”

Mr. David echoed the sentiment, highlighting the project’s impact on youth development.

“These activities are crucial for nurturing young minds,” he added, “Not only do they raise environmental awareness, but they also instil a sense of responsibility and community involvement. This project was not just about cleaning the beach; it was a step towards a more sustainable future for our oceans, and the youths were a vital part of it.”


This ESG project nicely illustrates APU’s dedication to ESG activities. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ho Chin Kuan, remarked that “APU strives to embed environmental and social awareness within its staff and students.”

The ‘Ocean Guardians’ project is a testament to this commitment, bringing together students and youths to create a positive impact on the environment and the community.
