Menjadi seorang mahasiswa universitas bisa menjadi salah satu petualangan paling mendebarkan dalam hidup Anda. Pendidikan tinggi membuka dunia baru dengan ide-ide baru, pertumbuhan intelektual, kegiatan sosial, olahraga dan budaya, petualangan baru, dan membangun persahabatan seumur hidup. Di APU, kami mendukung Anda untuk mengambil waktu menjelajahi tidak hanya pengalaman pendidikan tetapi juga berbagai kegiatan sosial, olahraga, dan budaya di kampus.
Malam Kebudayaan Internasional APU
Malam Kebudayaan Internasional
Get a little taste of the world in our APU Campus! We're bringing together the beauty and diversity of our communities to create an extraordinary experience for you.

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK
No.16 in the World for International Students
Top 200 for International Faculty in the World
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APU Is One Of Malaysia’s Premier Private Universities, Where Students Are Transformed Into Highly Skilled, Employable, And Future-Proof Professionals Via A Unique Blend Of Technology, Innovation, And Creativity.

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APU is one of Malaysia’s premier private universities, where students are transformed into highly skilled, employable, and future-proof professionals via a unique blend of technology, innovation, and creativity.
More than just a university campus – it is the heart of our passion, where great minds from different parts of the world assemble
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