In a historic feat, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) became the FIRST and ONLY Malaysian university to receive accreditation from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in the United Kingdom in May 2024. This accreditation underscores APU’s commitment to excellence, rigorous quality assurance processes, and student-centred education.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) is an independent charity and global leader in quality assurance for higher education. QAA's international work aims to ensure that students receive the highest quality of education and to strengthen the global reputation of UK higher education.
QAA Global is the international division of QAA which accredits institutions outside the UK through an independent peer review which confirms that an institution meets the meeting all ten areas of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) published by ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
The official announcement was made on May 10, 2024, via the QAA website. According to QAA’s news webpage, "Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation in Malaysia has successfully completed its International Quality Review (IQR) and has been awarded global quality accreditation by QAA."

This recognition is the result of a rigorous review process conducted at APU by independent QAA reviewers. APU is now recognised on an equal basis with UK universities as a result of this QAA Accreditation.
Renowned for its adeptness in quality assurance, QAA employs rigorous evaluation criteria rooted in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
This comprehensive assessment encompasses 10 pivotal areas, ranging from programme design, teaching & learning, student support, research, facilities, resources and governance to ongoing quality assurance. The accreditation process involved almost a year of intense preparation and documentation, followed by a comprehensive physical audit which was held at APU on 6th to 8th March 2024.
“In making their conclusions, the review team confirmed that the University meets all 10 of the internal quality assurance standards in the ESG," stated QAA.
Expressing immense pride in this achievement, Vice-Chancellor APU, Professor Dr Ho Chin Kuan, stated, "The QAA International Quality Review has been a transformative journey towards global recognition and excellence for APU. The review process has not only reinforced our existing quality standards but has also empowered us to proactively address challenges and adapt to the evolving needs of our students and stakeholders worldwide."
This accreditation by QAA aligns APU's standards with 98% of UK universities from the membership body of QAA, underscoring APU's commitment to delivering top-tier education and solidifying its international stature by highlighting its relentless pursuit of academic quality and innovation.
Datuk Parmjit Singh, the Co-Founder and CEO of APU, emphasised the significance of this milestone within Malaysian and global contexts, stating, "QAA's recognition places APU at the forefront of international higher education, opening doors to enhanced collaboration and opportunities for our students and faculty.”
In a congratulatory note, Chris Bland, QAA’s Head of Accreditation and Consultancy, expressed delight, stating, “QAA is delighted to congratulate Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation on its successful completion of International Quality Review. We've enjoyed working with our colleagues in Malaysia, and we very much look forward to collaborating with them in the future.”
APU's remarkable feat with UK QAA accreditation reaffirms its status as a trailblazer in higher education, poised to mould future leaders and innovators in the digital age. As APU continues its mission of excellence, the journey towards international recognition stands as a testament to its steadfast commitment to nurturing talent and driving innovation.
The International Quality Review report can be viewed on the QAA International Quality Review website.
The QAA review team did not set any conditions for APU to be accredited.
The QAA review team identified the following features of good practice at APU:
- active engagement with industry within the development of new academic programmes (ESG Standard 1.2)
- active engagement with industry in the design and delivery of learning, teaching, and assessment (ESG Standard 1.3)
- close relationship between APU and industry to support students' ongoing professional development and success (ESG Standard 1.6)
- effective use of industry advisory panels to monitor and review the programmes across different schools to ensure its programmes reflect the changing needs of society (ESG Standard 1.9)
- proactive engagement of different external quality assurance activities to inform internal continuous improvement of its academic provision (ESG Standard 1.10).
In addition, the QAA review team provided a number of recommendations to further enhance processes. The action plan to address the recommendations is located HERE.
Following the accreditation, a mid-cycle review will take place by 2027 to confirm continued validity of the QAA International Institutional Accreditation for APU.
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